今天,penni也收到了来自芬兰创业公司 5 More Minutes 的 CMO Johanna Puustinen 关于教育的故事和期待。
尽管我觉得芬兰的教育很尊重孩子们的性格和情绪,尤其在2016年秋季新课改之后,有了更多的创新形式和跨学科教学,Johanna 还是觉得,“需要更加努力,让教育更切合每个人的个性和需要。”
下面是 Johanna Puustinen 来信的中文译文:
I have always really appreciated education and recognize that it's a great privilege to be able to spend so many years solely focusing on becoming a well-rounded and well-educated person before picking a career path. I've worked hard because I know that the limits of what learning can give me are defined by the work I personally put in, and nothing else.
Rather than hope that one day every single student will learn to appreciate education like I do, I hope that one day education will evolve to be something naturally worth appreciating no matter what background or interests one might have. We're still far from an education system that fits everyone's needs and tastes, but I hope we can keep working towards that - and I hope I can be part of that project myself.
关于教育,你也有故事可以分享吗? 你对教育的期待是什么?
欢迎继续给我们来信:lei.peng@jmdedu.com 或 chuying.liang@jmdedu.com
来源: 芥末堆