
堆历 | 在泰国,补习班也很火

作者:Primproud 发布时间:

堆历 | 在泰国,补习班也很火

作者:Primproud 发布时间:




今天,来信人是泰国姑娘Primproud Sarasin。跟很多人一样,她也在为学生们日益增多的补习感到不安,同时也期望学校教育可以做得更好。






尽管大多数课堂存在人数过多的情况,但仍然有不同的方法让课堂变得更有效率。例如,数字媒体的运用可以使学习环境更加有活力,比如有趣的小游戏、小视频等。教师应该积极探索和充分利用现有的数字媒体资料 。此外,我希望除了必需的科目之外,一个理想的课程体系应该允许每个学生深入地探索他们感兴趣的领域 。除此之外,学校也是学生学习行为和与他人互动的地方。因此,学校也应尽可能地促进社交互动。最后,评价系统应该更多元化,能帮助学生反映他们学识,而不仅仅是事实记忆。


In my country, taking a tutorial class becomes a part of students’ habits since kindergarten to high school level. When I was in my hometown, every Sunday, I saw groups of parents waiting for their 4-5 year-old children who are studying a group tutorial class. The parents believe that this private class help prepare their kids to take an entrance examination for prestigious elementary schools. I feel unfortunate for these young children as weekends should be their play time rather than the time they have to spend in a square room to study very hard.  

In the same way as most high school students, their weekends are not for having fun. Instead, they devote their time (voluntarily and unwillingly) in private tutorial schools aiming to get a better score in class as well as high score on their university entrance examination. Sometimes, they value these programs more than a formal classroom by choosing to skip a regular class to attend a tutorial session. I took one tutorial course when I was in my high school—sitting in a class and watching video of the instructor speaking. I would say that it was an informative session that provided tips and a ready-made guide that helps students to ‘memorize’ key points for the exams, rather than learning to understand about a particular topic. The session did not offer spaces for students to discuss nor ask questions.

Some people claimed that students do not learn much in schools. I would not blame anyone on this… But I would like to emphasize that a regular classroom is still significant to children’s education. Learning is much more than just remembering facts and formulas for the tests. I always believe that the ideal classroom should provide an opportunity for students to engage in genuine contexts. It is also important for educators to promote activities that help foster students to think. 

Although most class size can be large, there are many ways to design effective classes. For example, digital media can help providing more vibrant learning environments by creating fun games or showing video clips that relate to lessons. Teachers should explore and make the most use of the existing media. Moreover, I am hoping that apart from the required subjects, the ideal curriculum should allow each student to explore deeply in the areas that each of them is interested in. Besides that, school is also a place where students learn to behave and interact with others. Therefore, the class should stimulate social interactions as much as possible. Finally, the assessments should vary, not just questions of fact. It should include the type of assessment that help students reflect their perspectives.

It is possible to create this ideal classroom and I truly believe that it can make a difference. Also, I am convinced that this class would highlight the importance of classrooms in schools. 



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