今天, 来信人是周湘香。读她的来信,我能很清晰地感知到她在身体力行着教育学家怀特海的观点:“在任何理解之前先有表达,在任何表达之前先有关于重要性的感受”。从农村走出来,她经历着教育给予她的成功和遗憾。现在的她在芬兰学习教育与全球化,希望日后通过教育构建有益于农村发展的生态系统。
Q: 谈谈关于教育的经历和观点。
我希望教育可以从个体、家庭和社区的可持续发展的利益出发,但一定不乏国家的视角,甚至是全球的视角。我们现在常常讲生态系统,教育也是一定要讲的。我在回答上一个问题的时候,总是在讲农村,因为我是农村长大的,而且我深深地感受到农村生态系统被破坏的现状。我现在在芬兰学习“教育和全球化“, 也是希望日后能通过教育构建有益于农村发展的生态系统。我想用两个例子来解释教育和社区关系的重要性,用一个理念来解释我想如何做教育。
我认同的教育理念,是我暑期实习过的北京立德未来基金会所设立的“美丽小学“的办学理念“生活即学习,学习即生活“,是芬兰新课程改革中所倡导的“Performance Based Learning”,是教育学家怀特海所提出的“在任何理解之前先有表达,在任何表达之前先有关于重要性的感受。”简单说,老师作为学习的协助者,调用、激发学生的好奇心,让他们从身边的现象开始,利用因特网资源,自主学习、持续学习,且能将学习的知识应用于解决实际的问题。当然,学生并不只局限于当地的问题,正如开端所提及,“一定不乏国家的视角,甚至是全球的视角”。
I grew up in a country where modern education was and still is a tool to screen talented people and train them to work for the society’s development, mainly from the perspective of economics. The country is so large that it couldn’t develop as a whole simultaneously, so we at first divided it into rural and urban, east and west, coastal and inland etc., and then we prioritized them. In this case, government could put most of its limited resources to urban communities, meanwhile, let local governments and families in rural areas cover their own education cost. For instance, my mom spent her one year’s earnings to pay my one year’s primary school tuition fee in 1990s, so that I could be filtered by our education system and start a new life in a city. In this circumstance, successful education means students are able to leave their own community and later on make contribution to the larger community, for example the economic development of the whole country. This process is similar to the concept of “brain drain”, which is used to describe the migration of high educated and skilled people between developed and developing countries.
The strategy is successful in a way that we can easily tell from the rapid and dramatic economic development in recent China. We put people/labor at the right place in a very efficient and effective way through our education and testing mechanism. But at the same time, it brought a severe unequal urban-rural and east-west dualistic structure of economics, education, social welfare etc. Government, as well as many grassroots change makers start to question: Is the rural disappearing since most of the labors are migrating to urban but senior and young children are left in the villages? Is the rural culture dying in China? If we don’t want it die, who are the right people to work on it? Is it sustainable enough that we call for philanthropic action from young people like what Teach for China is doing or we utilize government’s power to call for action from individuals who want further benefits after short term work in those lagged areas?
In addition, if we look at a bigger picture, the whole world is changing dramatically along with the development of technology and information. Does “education as a tool to screen people” still work in the current society? What kind of people we want to educate for the future, nationally, world widely, even locally? I am on my way seeking for the answers.
I hope education is designed to serve the local community sustainably with a global perspective. But here comes the question: what is the proper scope/range of local (that it wouldn’t restrain individual’s potential)? I would say it’s a manageable concept that individuals have the feeling of belonging and are energetic enough to maintain a good relationship within the community.
欢迎来信:lei.peng@jmdedu.com 或 chuying.liang@jmdedu.com.