
堆历 | 教育能丰富人类思想

作者:Leo Evans 发布时间:

堆历 | 教育能丰富人类思想

作者:Leo Evans 发布时间:




今天,Lady Lion 为大家带来一位在中国工作10余年的外教老师的来信。他有非常丰富的教育经历和人生阅历:从一个有读写困难症的学生到纽约城市大学助理教授,最后到中国从事英语口语教学。









I dropped out of school at age 15, I just didn’t like school. I am a dyslectic, but at that time no one really cared about that problem.  All 3 of my of my kids are dyslectic.  I have trouble writing and some times can’t even read my own hand writing.  At age 17 I took a test to saying I passed high school, at age 19 I joined the American Navy for 4 years.  At this time I had a girlfriend who was a very good student; she went on to be become a university professor. We married in 1983 and had 3 kids.  After I got out of the Navy I drove a truck and leaned how to fix machines that makes heat for houses. Being a blue collar worker in the west the pay is very good.  I am mechanically inclined and fixing most machines comes as second nature .   In 1990 my wife said to me I should go to university because I am always reading history and school would be a good experience.  I liked going to school and was very busy with a full time job full and raising 3 kids.  It was one of the happiest times of my life. 

I had computers from the early 1980s and the early word processing programs gave me the ability to write.  My wife taught me how to write on a university level. The university I went to was State University of New York, Empire State College.  I majored in early modern World History. The program I was in had no classes; students would meet with a professor one on one and talk about a plan of study for the class. After the meeting you would create a bibliography of books that you will use in the papers. Each class required about three 20 to 25 page papers.  It took me 5 years to finish my undergraduate degree, after that I got a master degree in history from the same university. I finished in one year.  I had thought about becoming a high school teacher in New York and also got a second masters in Education from Adelphia University in New York.  I never become a high school teacher. I got a job as Network Administrator for a library in the City University of New York.  Being mechanically inclined I taught myself computer networking.  The job in the University was in the academic department of the school so the university made me an Assistant professor. The School I worked in taught policemen, so I ran the library computer network and taught 3 classes of history to policemen each term.

In 2005 I came to China and have worked in GDUT teaching oral English. I enjoy teaching very much, as some one that has learning disabilities and didn’t like school it helps me understand students and be a better teacher. Furthermore, starting teaching in middle age and being a parent gave me a different perspective than  teachers that never had  any children.  In China I see most of my students as my children and try to get them to work to the best of their ability.  

Any formal or informal education brings out the best in people.  There are as many geniuses that are farmers or workers as there are in universities worldwide.  These people just didn’t have a chance for a formal education. People should try to enrich their minds through formal or informal education.    

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