GET2017教育科技大会明早即将开幕,Penni也为大家带来几位参会嘉宾最喜欢的教育名言和他们的故事。今天的来信人是纽约 Scholars' Academy(学者学院)的校长 Brian O'Connell。
总之,都是强调“实践”的重要性。而 Brian O'Connell 在27年的从教生涯中,也一直在努力实践这句话的道理。
我第一次听到这句话是在1991年。那时候,我刚刚成为小学老师,艾德菲大学的 Michael Wagner 教授告诉我这句话。Wagner教授同时也是纽约布鲁克林22号街区的一名活跃的社会研究学教师。
那之后的27年,不论是在我之前做校长的小学,还是现在的纽约市6-12年级公立学校和高中 Scholars' Academy,这句谚语一直在我的学校中得到实行。Scholars' Academy 一直在努力扭转老师们的固有思维方式,希望通过适当指导、运用当下的科技工具,增加学生的参与度、自主性、决定权和创造力。
如今,Scholars' Academy 的老师们必须很巧妙地计划教学,不然谚语中所说的“学以致用”的情况就不会发生。因为我们人类的天性就是倾向于选择更容易的,或者我们自己成年以前被教育去相信的事。要想通过传播和评价来打破被动学习与教学的文化循环,我们必须准备好参与其中。因此,我们在 Scholars' Academy 有一个新的流行语:“教学隐藏于计划中。”
Tell me, I forget. Show me, I remember. Involve me, I understand. -- Chinese Proverb
When I began my career as an elementary school teacher in 1991, this quote was taught to me by a Professor Michael Wagner at Adelphi University. At the time, Professor Wagner was also an active Social Studies teacher in District 22, Brooklyn, NY. The quotation stuck with me because most of my learning growing up was not engaging. As I evolved my practice as a new teacher, my mind retraced the steps back to this quote quite frequently which prompted my development and the evolution of my classroom to be student centered, engaging, and focused on creating experiences that developed conceptual understanding and deep learning.
27 years later as a former elementary school principal, and current New York City Public School grade 6-12 middle and high school principal, this proverb still rings true as our school, the Scholars' Academy in Rockaway, NY, continues to grapple with the task of shifting the cultural mindsets of our teachers to leverage current day technology tools in order to plan for increased student engagement, autonomy, ownership, and innovation to take place during instruction. As a result, we at Scholars' Academy have learned that teachers must strategically plan for this to happen or it will not happen because our human tendency is to default to what is comfortable or how we were taught as children and young adults. To break the cultural cycle of passive learning and teaching via dissemination and evaluation, one must plan to engage. Hence, we have a new mantra at the Scholars' Academy: "In the planning is the teaching." Plan to engage, consider the thought processes and misconceptions that the students will encounter, surface them and create experiences wherein students learn how to be better learners and creators with the knowledge with which they are intelligently engaged and connected.
Thank you,
Brian O'Connell
Principal, Scholars' Academy
听完 Brian O'Connell 的分享,你有什么想说吗?你关于教育的故事和观点是什么?你最喜欢的教育名言是哪一句?
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